Friday, October 18, 2013

NaNoWriMo! (or as some call it, Impending Doom)

In all fairness, I shouldn't call it "doom", I just have a love-hate relationship with deadlines. I pretend they're far further off than they are... they stress the hell out of me... but in the end, I need them. As if there's a lasso pulling my foot and my productivity towards completion.

Which is why I need National Novel Writing Month. I really do love to write, it has always been my dream to publish books. If not for deadlines I get complacent with the idea that I really can finish any time, I don't need to look at that project, or those notes now. So, thanks to Nano, I will write a novel this November. (I Will, I will...)

If any of you crazy awesome people are doing this as well, let me know! I'd love to hear your ideas, and once November starts, your progress.


Friday, October 11, 2013

Living is Hard.

I believe I mentioned at some point in the past that I wanted to update my blog once a week. What happened? Not that.

Unfortunately, but fortunately at the same time, life happened -- and life keeps happening. While I'm very grateful to be busy making life happen one step at a time, and celebrating others on their life happenings as well, I've decided that I need to manage my time better to fit in the things I really want to do!

I'd love to start selling jewelry again, National Novel Writing Month is just around the corner, and of course, my blog is always here, getting lonely without me!

The new-and-improved organized me* will be back, I promise!

Now, for your viewing pleasure, a rabbit fleeing a dangerous swamp-monster. The rabbit thinks living is hard too.

*Note, the "new-and-improved organized" model Sarah has been under construction for many years. No word yet on the possible release date.