Friday, October 17, 2014

Another Move

After a long year being beaten by snow and blackouts and wind and retail in Newfoundland, I've finally made another move -- to Ottawa!

Before the move I had been told A: that Ottawa is a beautiful, safe city and B: that it's the city where "fun goes to die". While it might be true that things tend to shut down earlier than what I'm used to, and there's no street like George Street in St. John's where there's club after bar after pub lining the sidewalks, Ottawa is a beautiful city, and there's plenty going on here.

For instance, there's a Writer's Festival going on this month! (info here:  Because of such pesky things as jobs and responsibilities, I won't be able to see much of what I'm interested in, but if I do happen to get out, I'll let you know all about it.

See you!

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