Hello, and thank you for reading!
I suppose an introduction is in order, therefore, I will explain my intentions with this blog. I have been severely out of writing practice for some time now, and I need a little motivation to get back into it. As a shy and quiet High School student I would scrawl out my emo poems, angsty complaints and ridiculous short stories on loose leaf, then cram them into the back of a binder where they wouldn't see the light of day. (and, frankly, after re-reading some of that crap, that's where it should stay!)^1
Now that I've (almost) graduated with an English degree, I'm pretty good at essays, but I think my creative writing has not improved since High School -- I want to change this. Hence, this is where the blog (and hopefully lots of you brilliant and insightful readers!) comes in. I want to publish various things here, from poetry to stories to experimental... whatever. I will not claim that anything I post will be brilliant, or even good, but I do want it read so that I can figure out how to do better!
I hope that after posting each piece I'll have the time and wherewithal to accompany it with my own criticism. I'll explain in general what I was trying to do, and how it could be better, or why I think it's awesome or not. I also hope to get some feedback! Please, if you would like, post some constructive criticism, all in the hopes that someday I will not suck^1.
I suppose that's it for now! Have fun reading this, because I'll have fun posting!
1. Here is where I would put a smiley emoticon, but I really want to get away from that. Oh well, okay, just once. :)